
Devanahalli Fort , Bangalore tourist spots

In this post , we share our team's visit experience to one of the oldest forts near Bangalore at Devanahalli , which is about 35 kms to the north of Bangalore. 

Fort front View
The fort reminds us the Bangalore Fort which is near the KR Market area. 

Fort Side View

Few facts about this fort construction 

  • Bricks are laid crosswise to improve the water proofing capacity
  • Its made up of a traditional material called Surki , which is also used in KRS dam , Mysore - which is mixture of lime and soarsely powdered bricks

Steps to climb atop the fort

 As per the history , it was part of the Gangawadi and later came under the rule of Rastrakutaas , Nolamba , Pallavaas , Cholas  , Hoysalas and the Vijayanagar rulers. 

Fort entrance view from inside

During the time of Vijayanagara kings , Malla Baire Gowda of Avati, a feudatory constructed the fort in 1501 AD with the consent of Devaraaya at Devanadoddi which is now known as Devanahalli. Subsequently during 1747 AD fort went into the hands of Wodeyars of Mysore , which was conquered many times by the Marathas and later came under the control of Hyder Ali and Tippu Sultan. 

Fort Walls Gun points

This is known to be Tippu Sultan's favorite place for hunting and also his birth place. 

Remains of the fort entrance on the other end

The roughly oval east-oriented fortification veneered with dressed masonry has as many as 12 semi-circular bastions at regular intervals.

We may walk along the fort battlement area which is spread across nearly a kilometer. 

Path Along the Fort
A spacious battlement is provided towards the inner side of fortification. Fort is provided with east and west entrance decorated with cut plaster work.The bastions are provided with gun points built in brick and mud.

Fort Bastions

At present within this fort area there are many residential houses . There is a old Venugopalaswamy temple inside the fort area. Tippu Sultan birth place statue is about 100mts from the fort entrance.  If you happen to visit BIAL Airport or passing through the Hyderabad national highway or Nandi Hills , this is a must visit spot. You will find lot of pummelos / Chakkota fruit hawks all over this area.

Do visit here and share your experience.
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