
Headache home remedy Manemaddhu

Well if you are reading this article in our blog , we hope all your head aches are gone and you are refreshed !

"Ah , my head !" How many times a day had you been suffering from head ache ? Next time , when you feel it , try out these simple home remedy tips and get refreshed instantly.

Home remedy

  • Boiling fresh ginger or dried ginger powder in water and then inhaling steam is effective
  • For sinus headache , make a paste out of one one teaspoon cinnamon and sufficient water , apply on the forehead.
  • For headache due to hyper acidity , take 2 tablespoons of Aloe vera gel , thrice a day
  • For headache due to hyper acidity , apply a paste of sandalwood to forehead.
  • Rest in a quiet room
  • Make sure of getting enough sleep at night.
  • Massage the muscles at the back neck and shoulders in a gentle circular motion with sesame oil and then take a hot shower
  • Try exercise , yoga , deep breathing or relaxation exercises
  • If working on computer, get up and walk around regularly to reduce tension in your neck and shoulders. 
  • Have your eyesight checked.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine in excess
  • Avoid smoking
  • Avoid red meat , nuts and chocolate
  • Avoid spices , condiments , sour buttermilk and oily food stuffs.

Disclaimer : 
 Always seek advice of your physician or qualified health professionals before taking any new treatment This information is not a substitute for professional medical advise.

Cough home remedy ManeMaddhu

In this post , we bring out some home remedy tips for cough. Next time when you are tired of coughing think of trying these simple methods at home and be relieved. 

Home Remedy

  • Take 2-3 cloves fried in ghee and suck
  • For dry cough , eat a ripe banana with one teaspoon of honey and two pinches of ground black pepper - twice or thrice daily
  • Boil one cup of milk with teaspoon turmeric and teaspoon ginger and drink this at night before going to bed. This will relieve cough
  • For productive cough, drink a tea made from half teaspoon ginger powder and a pinch of cinnamon powder in a cupful of boiled water
  • Take honey and lemon which will ease cough and bring healing.
  • For productive cough , mix 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper with one teaspoon of honey and eat it on a full stomach 2-3 times for 3-5 days. 
  • For productive cough , take one teaspoon honey mixed with a pinch of clove powder , three times a day
  • Drink lot of water
  • Include warm drinks such as soup and herbal tea. 
  • Sleeping on extra pillows may help ease a cough at night
  • Avoid smoky or dusty environments
  • Refrain yourself from smoking
  • Avoid soft drinks , candies , ice-cream - products made from sugar and white flour.
  • Avoid tea,coffee,refined and processed foods.
Disclaimer :  Always seek advice of your physician or qualified health professionals before taking any new treatment This information is not a substitute for professional medical advise.

Common cold Sneeze Home remedy ManeMaddhu

The most common simple frustrating disease to get is a common cold . Next time when you are tired rubbing your nose with a hankie and screaming "achoooo" , think of trying these simple home remedy tips. 

Common cold Sneeze Home remedy ManeMaddhu

Home Remedy
  • Take 10gm of ginger and cut into small pieces and then boil in a cup of water. Strain it and add half a teaspoon of sugar. Drink it hot.
  • Dilute 1 lemon in a glass of warm water and add a teaspoon of honey. Drink twice daily
  • Cinnamon is an excellent warming herb and can be added to food and drinks to ease out symptoms
  • Eat fresh honey or add honey to herbal teas which will encourage healing and prevent further infections
  • Add 1/2 tea spoon of fresh turmeric powder in 50ml of milk and boil over a slow fire. Drink this milk twice daily.
  • Eat garlic flakes daily which will develop immunity against cold and will also work to reduce fever

  • Try steam inhalation with a few drops of eucalyptus oil to clear stuff nose
  • Drink hot liquid such as herbal teas and soups
  • Take off from work !! Yeah !
  • Avoid sugar
  • Do not smoke and avoid smoky environments
  • Avoid meat , fish , eggs , starchy foods
  • Avoid very cold food and drinks.
Disclaimer :  Always seek advice of your physician or qualified health professionals before taking any new treatment This information is not a substitute for professional medical advise.

Baldness Home remedy ManeMaddhu

Loosing too much hair or signs of baldness ? Nothing to worry , be cool - nowadays going bald is also a fashion - here in our blog we bring few home remedies which you may try out at your home and reduce baldness. 

Home remedy

  • Grind fenugreek seeds with water and apply on the head.. Leave it for atleast 40 minutes and wash it. Do it every morning for 30 days
  • Eat a handful of white sesame seeds in the morning
  • Apply mixture of lettuce and spinach juice regularly on head to prevent hair loss
  • Drink juice of lettuce or carrots regularly
  • Boil one cup of mustard oil with four tablespoon heena leaves . Filter it and keep it in a glass bottle . Massage gently on bald patches regularly
  • Apply paste made from seeds of lemon and black pepper in water to affected areas, wash with water if it causes skin irritation . This stimulates hair growth

  • Include plenty of iron and protein in your diet
  • Also take mineral supplements like calcium , magnesium , zinc
  • Massage regularly
  • If possible do not use hair dryer
  • Practice meditation for reducing stress and tension
  • Include milk, yogurt, soya and cheese in your daily diet.
  • Go for a hair trim regularly !
  • Do not pull off your hair with a brush or comb when it is wet
  • Avoid using hair dyes and treatment to perm or straighten your hair
  • Avoid excess intake of Iron , copper and Iodine.

Disclaimer :  Always seek advice of your physician or qualified health professionals before taking any new treatment. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advise.

Indigestion Home Remedy ManneMaddhu

Feeling discomfort due to indigestion after heaving your favorite meal ? Here we bring out few home remedies which you may try out and feel comfortable. 

Home Remedy

  • Squeeze lemon juice from 1/4 of lemon in one cup warm water. Add half teaspoon of baking soda just before drinking and drink. This will relieve acute indigestion
  • Take 1/4 cup of fresh onion juice with half teaspoon honey and half teaspoon black pepper
  • Chop up a clove of fresh garlic , add a pinch of salt , a pinch of baking soda and eat it
  • Drink one cup of sweet fresh pineapple juice with a pinch of ginger , a pinch of black pepper , half teaspoon sugar thrice a day
  • Drink herbal tea made with peppermint , chamomile or fennel which is effective for indigestion

  • Do not skip your meals
  • Avoid having snacks before meals
  • Eat slowly by chewing food
  • Take small sips of warm water during a meal
  • Exercise regularly
  • Manage healthy body weight
  • Manage stress. Practice relaxation techniques such as yoga or deep breathing
  • Avoid fried , fatty and spicy foods
  • Avoid cold and iced drinks , especially during or after meals.
  • Don't exercise just after eating . 
  • Stop smoking.

Disclaimer :
 Always seek advice of your physician or qualified health professionals before taking any new treatment. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advise.

Vomiting Home remedy - Mane Maddhu

Vomiting Home remedy - Mane Maddhu

Well , vomit or hangover is not a good thing to have , but the best one to clear your stomach if you have attempted to load it a lot - God's unbeatable digestive system ! So be happy if you get a vomit next time ;) ! You are just clearing the unwanted stuff , it forces you to rest the digestive system for some time. Here we bring out few home remedies if you are not able to approach your physician immediately . Hope it helps to some.

Home Remedies

  • Don't eat for a day. Drink one cup of sweet fresh pineapple juice with a pinch of ginger, a pinch of black pepper and half teaspoon sugar , thrice a day
  • Add 10 drops of lemon juice , half teaspoon sugar in 1 cup of water and just before drinking add 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda. Mix equal parts of lemon juice and honey. Dip index finger into the mixture and lick it slowly
  • Chew 1 or 2 cardamom seeds
  • Drink a clove or ginger tea to ease the symptoms
  • Take 1 teaspoon fresh ginger juice with 1 teaspoon onion juice
  • Take 1/2 teaspoon honey and 2 pinches of cardamom into half a cup of plain yogurt
Vomiting Home remedy - Mane Maddhu
  • Open a window or step outside for few minutes to get some fresh air if feeling nausea.
  • Try fasting for a day , do not take any solid food . Fasting gives a healing rest to digestive system
  • If you want to have food, eat small meals slowly
  • Start with bland foods such as boiled rice and soup
  • Drink atleast 8 glasses of clear fluids, such as water or apple juice daily
  • Try to rest after meals - by sitting in a chair or propped up in bed.
  • Avoid spicy and oily foods , very hot or very cold - foods and drinks
  • Avoid strong odors such as perfumes
  • Avoid drinks that can irritate the stomach, such as alcohol , coffee , cola..
Disclaimer : Always seek advice of your physician or qualified health professionals before taking any new treatment. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advise.

Dandruff - Home remedy - ManeMaddu

Love to have a cool dandruff free hair as this couple ? Well everyone wishes that . In our Home remedy or ManeMaddu health section , we bring out few remedies for Dandruff


  • Mix two egg whites with fresh juice of one lime and apply to hair. Wait for half an hour , then wash hair with neem soap
  • Massage your head for few minutes daily with neem oil
  • Two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds should be soaked overnight in water and in the morning. Ground them into a fine paste . Apply this paste all over the scalp and leave it for half an hour. Wash the hairs thoroughly with soap-nut solution or shikakai
  • Neem leaves
  • Make a paste of neem leaves and apply to the scalp. Leave it on for half an hour and then wash the hair with lukewarm water
  • Eat more raw fruits and vegetables
  • Have Yogurt
  • Keep hair and scalp clean to avoid accumulation of dead cells
  • Brush your hair daily to improve blood circulation
  • UV light can reduce the scalp inflammation and ease flaking problem. So get out in the sun a little during sun rise
  • Avoid dairy products , nuts , sugar and fried foods
  • Avoid alcohol based hair products such as hair sprays , which tend to dry our scalp and may increase irritation and make dandruff worse
  • Avoid irritating shampoos and soaps
  • Manage stress , Be calm !

Disclaimer : Always seek advice of your physician or qualified health professionals before taking any new treatment. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advise.

Mangala Ravi Kannada Bhavageethe mp3 sample songs

Mangala Ravi - is one of the upcoming singers of the Kannada music . She has a very unique style of singing and voice.  She was also nominated for the best singer in Kannada International Music Awards.

In our blog , we bring you few samples of some of her Bhavageethe. This is only to promote her music to the Kannada community world wide. If you like these songs , please buy her other finest collections at Kannada stores and promote Kannada music .  Click on the links to preview / download the sample songs.

Modala Kirana
Kallendhare Shilpige
Jogi Kaadathana
Huchu Kodi Manasu
Shanke Emba Benna Soki

Sangeetha Katti Bhavageethe mp3 sample songs

Sangeetha Katti , also known as Sangeetha Kulkarni is one of the eminent Hindustani classical vocalist from Karnataka. She is a famous singer with a versatile voice and unique style of singing and has provided more than 4000 concerts which includes - Classical , Devotional , Bhavageethe Light music and Film play back singing . She has won many wards including the prestigious Karnataka Rajyothsava award.

In our blog , we bring you few samples of some of her Bhavageethe. This is only to promote her music to the Kannada community world wide. If you like these songs , please buy her other finest collections at Kannada stores and promote Kannada music .  Click on the links to preview / download the sample songs.

Kappu Banadha Krishna
Hosa Varshadha Harikara
Hariva Nadhi Neenu
Ghama Ghama

P Kalinga Rao Bhavageethe mp3 sample songs

P Kalinga Rao was one of the famous eminent music personalities of Kannada Industry . He was both a singer and music composer for many Kannada films. He was also know as "Monarch of light music in Kannada". He was the one who popularized the Kannada Bhavageethe during its early years.

In our blog , we bring you few samples of some of his Bhavageethe. This is only to promote his music to the Kannada community world wide. If you like these songs , please buy his other finest old collections at Kannada stores and promote Kannada music .  Click on the links to preview / download the sample songs.

Ilidhu Baa Thaaye
Kolu Kollana
Helkolak Ondhuru
AcharaVilladha Nalige
Udayavagalli Namma

Jawaharlal Nehru Self Inspection - a short story for leaders

During 1936-37 , pandit Jawaharlal Nehru had become the president of Indian Congress. He was appointed for the 2nd time for this post. He was popular among the people and was showing signs of reaching the peaks of political success. During this period , an article was published in one of Calcutta's popular post "The Modern Review" which had critics against Nehru. Many questions were raised about Nehru in that article. Few aspects mentioned about  Nehru's character for example - "Nehru shows impatience about disabled and incompetent people , If his reign continues in the same way then the time he rules like Julius Ceaser is very near , The congress being aware of this should take proper action , If he is appointed as president for the third time then no one can stop his ego" etc which were hurting his followers. This article created a wave of debate all over India and inside Congress committee. Many writers wrote articles against this critics while some welcomed the thoughts. Nehru's followers were very curious to meet the author who wrote this article. They only came to know his name was Chanakya , but was not able to trace him.

Once this controversy cooled down , the congress men later came to know that Chanakya was none other than Mr.Nehru himself!!  When his followers asked him why he wrote about himself in a criticized way , Nehru's reply was very good. He said "I wanted to know how the intellectual people outside have realized and rate me. I am not sure whether I have fully succeeded in this attempt , but have observed feed backs some against me and some for me. By this I realized what people expect from me and what they don't want to see from me."

When the leader is in power , followers usually praise the leader even when he makes mistakes. At such times a leader should self inspect , criticize them-self and observe the reviews. When controversies occur should face them without fear. This is an extraordinary exercise conducted by an extraordinary leader. At these days , if leaders with such attitude come forward then its a good sign for the prosper.

Hope you like this short nice story . Liked it ? then share across the good read with your facebook and google friends in just a click.

Archana Udupa Bhavageethe mp3 sample songs

Archana Udupa is one of the famous playback singers from Karnataka with a unique voice and style of singing. She was the first from south india to win the singing contest Zee SariGamapa. She is also a graded artist of All India Radio and Kannada Doordarshan.

In our blog , we bring you few samples of some of her bhavageethe. This is only to promote her music to the Kannada community world wide. If you like these songs , please buy her other finest collections at Kannada stores and promote Kannada music .  Click on the links to preview / download the sample songs.

Hosa varsha Bandhaga
Igo Chaithra
Dehavondhu Deva Veene
Baree Sakhi ChandraMuki
O Nanna Aparanji

M D Pallavi Bhavageethe mp3 sample songs

M D Pallavi is one of the famous sugama sangeetha singer from Karnataka with a unique voice and style of singing. She is a very active personality involving in Music , TV shows , theater shows , movies etc. She had learned her initial music from the famous Sri Mysore AnanthaSwamy and later from his son Raju Ananthaswamy.

In our blog , we bring you few samples of some of her Bhavageethe. This is only to promote her music to the Kannada community world wide. If you like these songs , please buy her other finest collections at Kannada stores and promote Kannada music .

Click on the links to preview / download the sample songs.

Modada Mungurala Anchinali
Kolu Chinada Kollana
Deepavu Ninnadhe
Thunthure Maleyaagi

Vegetable soups for dummies - Beat Hunger in a minute !

Based on few requests from our visitors and support group , We are bringing in a Make-it-Yourself recipe section in our Blog posting Bengaluru specials and generic recipes. 

Starting off with ready to make recipes anyway anyway ;) the quicker and easiest ones - Soups.

Vegetable Soups - the simplest way to beat hunger quickly

Tasting hot yummy soups on a Rainy evening or winter cold  - hmm mouth watering ;) . Gone are the days where people used to visit to hotels and shops in search of good soups , now its time for a fast world , prepare it in minutes at home or office and take away. Soups are one of the most recommended healthy fast foods to beat your hunger. They come in different ready to make variants. This is especially useful do-it-yourself activity for people staying late at offices not worrying about the outside food !! just a class of hot water , mix it , have it, that's it job. 


Soups contain a lot of nutrition levels . Veggies & extra bits add up to the required proteins , vitamins and carbohydrates. Recommended for  a linear stomach dinner with less calories !! A occasional healthy snack for children. They just love it.

Make it in 5 minutes

Step 1 : Most of the soups available readily in Bangalore at shopping markets come in sachets . Buy a appropriate quantity depending on the no of people to serve. A cup a soup sachet would do for a single person 

Step 2 :  Get the Hot water ready for the quantity. If you have chosen any chopped vegetables for a mix of aroma , cook them at medium heat.

Step 3 : The necessary amount of water essential for the pack will usually be printed on the sachet. Use appropriate quantity to get the right taste . Cut the sachet , pour in the soup powder mix to Hot water and leave for a minute or two boiling, Gently Mix it to get a thicker soup as required. Add additional water if required. 

Step 4 :  Give it a Taste to adjust the salt , sweetness . That's it. Now its time to set in the ingredients which would basically be salt , pepper or any of your choice for additional taste and serve. Depending on the climate and taste , leave it for warm / cold & Serve it.

Isn't it so easy gents .... ;) . Share your soup experiences.

Is your job Small or Big ? A short inspiring story

One of our friend staying in Gurgaon, which is near Delhi told about a personality whom she met which made us feel little surprised and also heart touching. There is one Shopping Mall near our friend's house where hundreds of people visit for shopping. On weekends , this mall used to get filled with crowds. She was not talking about this Shopping Mall owner , but about a young lady "PoolaKumari" who used to maintain the Ladies Rest room. Kumari was working at the shopping mall for past 2 years - her work and enthusiasm were liked by others. She never used to sit with a grumble look. Her nature of work involved when a visitor reaches the rest room , she used to greet by saying "Namasthe Madam" by folding her palms and a gentle smile , before they use the rest room - she used to place a new paper cover on the commode , once the visitor left the rest room to remove the cover and put a new cover for the next visitor. If any lady had come with a child , she used to take care of the child till they use & come back from the rest room. Every 15 minutes , she used to clean the floor and keep it shining and always use air fresheners to keep the environment refreshing.

Our friend had asked the Mall manager about Kumari whether she is given any extra incentive / salary for her enthusiastic work. The manager with a gentle smile replied "Madam, the only person in our Mall who has not asked for Salary increment / Bonus is Kumari. Her salary is very less. If any one asks her to approach for an incremented she just rejects it with a gentle smile. She has never created any problems on this matter".

Our friend got more curious now and asked Kumari the same question. Kumari shyly replied - "I get a lot of satisfaction from this work. When I arrange the items , create a neat environment here for the visiting ladies, the happy response they give is my Bonus. Salary hike is asked to be happy. When I am already happy with this , why should I ask a salary hike ?".

There is no small or big in work. It depends on the way we love and perform it. Rather than doing a task which a person does not like to do being at high position , with huge pay scales - end of the day not satisfied ,  isn't it the small task which Kumari does with enthusiasm with full satisfaction a big one ? 

Any small work which provides satisfaction is always big. Any big work done without any satisfaction remains small. Hope you liked this small story. Share your comments on any such experiences.  If you have liked the story , contribute your like on facebook, google friends and help the good message reach.

How to start a work - JRD Tata and Sudha Murthy - a inspiring conversation short story

This is one of the very nice short inspiring story. This was recorded by Smt. Sudha Murthy in her book "The Lasting Legacies" during J.R.D Tata's 100th birth anniversary.

After getting a PhD in computer science , Mrs.Sudha Murthy joined Telco company, where she served for almost 8 years. Later once her husband Sri.Narayana Murthy established the company Infosys (one of the current IT giants ) , she had to leave the job.This incident happened during that time. She had opportunities to meet Mr.Tata , the president of the Tata group of Industries at few occasions. Although she was just an engineer , she had a lot of respect towards Mr.Tata. During 1982 , when she had to leave Telco , she was not that willing to leave the company, but she had no choice.One day when she was approaching near the stairs at Bombay house , she noticed Mr.Tata was just reaching the stairs. He seemed to be thinking about something and walking up the stairs. She thought this is the right time to speak to him and inform him about her leave. Mr.Tata saw her and asked in a low gentle tone "How are you Mrs.Kulkarni?". Kulkarni was the surname  before she got married and Mr.Tata used to refer her by this name.

She replied "Sir, I am leaving Telco". Mr.Tata asked "Is it ? where are you joining?" . She replied "Sir, I am leaving to Pune. My husband is starting a new company Infosys and hence I have to accompany him." . Mr.Tata replied - "Oh, thats great. So what shall you do after achieving success?" . She replied in a low tone "Sir, we are not sure whether we may achieve big or not."

Mr.Tata immediately corrected her words and told "Never start a work with Fear and hesitation. My best wishes to you" and climbed the stairs slowly. That was the last time Mrs.Sudha Murthy met the tycoon Tata.

While doing any work, we should be alert, set our mind on it , should have good knowledge about it but should never have fear and hesitation. If we start any work saying No , it may not work then it may definitely not work. The fear in heart hampers the growth of success from any work. Great Achievers never bow down when met with a failure , instead move forward without fear towards success.

Hope you liked this short nice story. If yes, share the nice read with your facebook , google social friends with just a click and let the good message reach. 